Tuesday, October 23, 2012


1492 - 1779: From First Contact to the Peace and Friendship Treaties

1763 - 1791: The Royal Proclamation, 1763, and the Quebec Act, 1774

1764 - 1836: Pre-Confederation Treaties I

1811 - 1867: Pre-Confederation Treaties II

1867 - 1870: British North America Act, 1867 and Sale of Selkirk Treaty Lands (1869)

1871 - 1875: First Five Numbered Treaties

1876 - 1877: The Indian Act, 1876 and Numbered Treaties Six and Seven

1878 - 1898: Deculturation

1899 - 1922: Last of the Numbered Treaties

1923 - 1950: The Williams Treaties and Land Transfer Agreements

1951 - 1981: Aboriginal Rights Movement

1982 - 2003: Constitutional Reforms and Crises

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